Links go to nomination packets.
Distinguished Teaching Award
2024: Timothy Piehler (Family Social Science), Jeffrey Bye (Department of Educational Psychology)
2023: Margaret Kelly (Department of Family Social Science), Jennifer McComas (Department of Educational Psychology)
2022: Diane Tedick (Department of Curriculum and Instruction), Andrew Zieffler (Department of Educational Psychology)
2021: Christopher Johnstone (Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development), Molly Rojas Collins (School of Social Work)
2020: Joe Merighi (School of Social Work), Rob Henry (Department of Educational Psychology)
2019: Sue Staats (Department of Curriculum and Instruction)
2018: Amy Krentzman (School of Social Work)
2017: Anastasia Hansen-Burke (Department of Educational Psychology)
2016: Robert delMas (Department of Educational Psychology)
2015: Nicole M. Lavoi (School of Kinesiology)
2014: Timothy Lensmire (Department of Curriculum and Instruction)
2013: Michael Harwell (Department of Educational Psychology)
2012: Linda Buturian (Post Secondary Teaching and Learning)
2011: Mistilina Sato (Department of Curriculum and Instruction)
2010: No award given
2009: Michelle Gaddy Everson (Department of Educational Psychology) and Diane Wiese-Bjornstal (School of Kinesiology)
2008: Martha Bigelow (Department of Curriculum and Instruction), Jeanne Higbee (Post Secondary Teaching and Learning), and Cynthia Meyer (Department of Family Social Science)
2007: Lisa Albrecht (School of Social Work), Lee Galda (Department of Curriculum and Instruction) and Barbara Hodne (Post Secondary Teaching and Learning)
2006: Michael Goh (Department of Educational Psychology)
2005: Gerald Fry (Educational Policy and Administration)
2004: Scott McLeod (Educational Policy and Administration)
2003: Leo McAvoy (School of Kinesiology) and L. Alan Sroufe (Institute of Child Development)
2002: Joan Garfield (Department of Educational Psychology) and Jean King (Educational Policy and Administration)
2001: David Chapman (Educational Policy and Administration)
2000: Jennifer York-Barr (Educational Policy and Administration)
1999: Patricia Bauer (Institute of Child Development)
1998: Melissa S. Anderson (Educational Policy and Administration)
1997: Ann Masten (Institute of Child Development) and Margaret Phinney (Department of Curriculum and Instruction)
1996: William Bart (Department of Educational Psychology) and Susan Watts (Department of Curriculum and Instruction)
1995: R. Michael Paige (Educational Policy & Administration) and Jane Plihal (Work, Community and Family Education)
1994: William Charlesworth (Institute of Child Development)
1993: James R. Rest (Department of Educational Psychology) and Ruth Thomas (Work, Community and Family Education)
1992: John Cogan (Department of Curriculum and Instruction)
1991: Allen Burton (School of Kinesiology and Leisure Studies)
1990: Patricia McCarthy (Department of Educational Psychology)
1989: Richard Beach (Department of Curriculum and Instruction)
1988: Paul van den Broek and James Ysseldyke (Department of Educational Psychology)
1987: No award given
1986: S. Jay Samuels (Department of Educational Psychology) and Gary McLean (Work, Community, and Family Education)
1985: Roland Peterson (Work, Community, and Family Education)
1984: Robert Jackson (Department of Curriculum and Instruction) and Richard Weinberg (Department of Educational Psychology)
1983: Peggy House (Department of Curriculum and Instruction)
1982: W. Andrew Collins (Institute of Child Development)
1981: Eugene Gennaro and Harlan Hansen (Department of Curriculum and Instruction)
Civil Service/Bargaining Unit Operational Excellence Award
2024: Michael Klecker (School of Kinesiology)
2023: Lucy Evans (Institute on Community Integration)
2022: Peggy Pond (School of Social Work)
2021: Kim Ruzek (Financial Services Office)
* Formerly called Civil Service/Bargaining Unit Innovative Ideas Award
2020: Kristina Pearson (Department of Curriculum and Instruction)
2019: (for Operational Excellence) Shauna Tiede and Allie Jonas
2018: No award given
2017: Sarah Jergenson (Department of Educational Psychology)
2016: Juan Telles (Student Services)
2015: Christina Clarkson (Student Services)
2014: Patrick Doble (Dean’s Admin.)
2013: Austin Stair Calhoun (School of Kinesiology)
2012: Daniel Waldron (Student Services)
2011: Arien Telles (Student Services)
2010: No award given
2009: Jeff Abuzzahab (Dean’s Office), the team of Karen Borchardt, Rosetta Chears, Rachel Grewell and Peggy Pond (School of Social Work)
Community Outreach and Engagement Award
2018: Ross VeLure Roholt – Faculty (School of Social Work), Annie Mason – Staff (Department of Curriculum and Instruction), Abby Rombalski – Student (Department of Curriculum and Instruction)
2017: Zha Blong Xiong – Faculty (Department of Family Social Science), Faustina Cuevas – Staff (Student Services)
2016: Mary Hermes – Faculty (Department of Curriculum and Instruction), Chelsey Thul – Staff (School of Kinesiology), Anne Ittner – Student
2015: Tai Mendenhall – Faculty (Department of Family Social Science), Tricia L. Wilkinson – Staff (Student Services/TRIO), Parmananda Khatiwoda – Student (School of Social Work)
2014: Geoffrey Maruyama – Faculty (Department of Educational Psychology), Rebecca Dosch Brown – Staff (Student Services), Kyle Zrenchik – Student (Department of Family Social Science)
2013: Lesa Covington Clarkson-faculty (Department of Curriculum and Instruction), Sheryl Larson-Staff (Institute on Community Integration), Corey Yeager-Student (Department of Family Social Science)
2012: Mike Baizerman-Faculty (School of Social Work), Bruce Schelske-Staff (Student Services), Tonya Cook-Student (School of Social Work)
2011: Brittany Haigh-Student (Department of Family Social Sciences, Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development and nominated by Student Services), Tisa Thomas-Student (Department of Family Social Sciences)
2010: No award given
2009: Scott McConnell-Faculty (Department of Educational Psychology), Sara Axtell-Staff (Department of Family Social Science), Faten Khoury-Student (Department of Family Social Science)
2008: Jerry Stein (School of Social Work), Keith Russell (School of Kinesiology), Oliver Williams (School of Social Work)
2007: Linda Jones-Faculty (School of Social Work), Vicki Griffin-Staff (Department of Curriculum and Instruction)
Educational Leadership Award
2024: Kendeou Panayiota (Pani) (Department of Educational Psychology)
2023: Frank Symons (Department of Educational Psychology)
2022: Joseph Merighi (School of Social Work)
2021: Bhaskar Upadhyay (Department of Curriculum and Instruction)
2020: Amanda Sullivan (Department of Educational Psychology)
2019: Michael Baizerman (School of Social Work)
2018: No award given
2017: Linda Jones (School of Social Work)
2016: Cynthia Lewis (Department of Curriculum and Instruction)
2015: Rebecca Ropers-Huilman (Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development)
2014: David Hollister (School of Social Work)
2013: Elizabeth Lightfoot (School of Social Work)
2012: Jean King (Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development)
2011: Richard Beach (Department of Curriculum and Instruction)
2010: No award given
2009: Stanley Deno (Department of Educational Psychology)
2008: Harold Grotevant (Department of Family Social Science)
2007: No award given
Excellence in Academic Advising Award
2024: Faith Miller (Department of Educational Psychology)
2023: Tracey Hammell (School of Kinesiology)
2022: Bao Lee-Yang (School of Social Work), Roozbeh Shirazi (Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development)
2021: Gail Ferguson (Institute of Child Development), Sheri Beck (Student Services)
2020: Keisha Varma (Department of Educational Psychology), Colin Rogness (School of Kinesiology)
2019: Anna Mraz (non-faculty), Frances Vavrus (Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development)
2018: Elizabeth Snyder (School of Social Work)
2017: Jill Trites (Department of Family Social Science)
2016: Jaime Gearhart (Department of Curriculum and Instruction)
2015: Eric Snyder (School of Kinesiology)
2014: Dante Cicchetti (Institute of Child Development)
2013: Karen Seashore (Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy and Development)
2012: Cindy Pavlowski (School of Social Work)
2011: Jan Goodno (School of Social Work)
2010: No award given
2009: Shuji Asai (Student Services)
2008: Jean Bauer (Department of Family Social Science)
2007: Jo Ann Buysse (School of Kinesiology)
Excellence in Research Award
2024: Bryant Chalandra (Department of Family Social Science)
2023: Jenifer McGuire (Department of Family Social Science)
2022: Lynette Renner (School of Social Work)
2021: Alisha Wackerle-Hollman (Department of Educational Psychology)
2020: Panayiota Kendeou (Department of Educational Psychology)
2019: Donald Dengel (School of Kinesiology)
2018: Bic Ngo (Department of Curriculum and Instruction)
2017: Hee Yun Lee (School of Social Work)
2016: Kristen McMaster (Department of Educational Pyschology)
2015: Joan DeJaeghere (Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy and Development)
2014: Frank Symons (Department of Educational Psychology)
2013: Jane Gilgun (School of Social Work)
2012: Asha Jitendra (Department of Educational Psychology)
2011: Matthew Burns (Department of Educational Psychology and Minnesota Center for Reading Research)
2010: No award given
2009: Sandra Christenson (Department of Educational Psychology)
2008: Shared by W. Andrew Collins, Byron Egeland, and L. Alan Sroufe (Institute of Child Development)
2007: Jeffrey Edleson (School of Social Work)
Jeanne T. Lupton Civil Service/Bargaining Unit Outstanding Service Award
2024: Katie Loop (Department of Curriculum and Instruction)
2023: Emily Prisland (Student Services)
2022: Peggy Pond (School of Social Work)
2021: Thomas Donaghy (Institute on Community Integration)
2020: Jeff Zytkovicz (Office of Research and Policy)
2019: Kristina Pearson (Department of Curriculum and Instruction)
2018: Carol Nielsen (School of Kinesiology)
2017: Emily Batts (School of Social Work)
2016: Sharon Sawyer (Department of Educational Psychology)
2015: Vicki Griffin (Department of Curriculum and Instruction)
2014: Miong Vang (Institute on Community Integration)
2013: Serena Wright (Dean’s administration)
2012: Jonathan Sweet (School of Kinesiology)
2011: Karen Anderson (Center for Early Education and Development)
2010: No award given
2009: Sara Zettervall (Center for Early Education and Development)
2008: Lori Boucher (Department of Educational Psychology)
2007: Anita Green (Staff-Student and Professional Services)
Marty and Jack Rossmann Award
2024: Lindsey Weiler (Department of Family Social Science)
2023: Tai Mendenhall (Department of Family Social Science)
2022: Melissa Koenig (Institute of Child Development)
2021: Vichet Chhuon (Department of Curriculum and Instruction)
2020: Lynette Renner (School of Social Work)
2019: J.B. Mayo (Department of Curriculum and Instruction)
2018: Jürgen Konczak (School of Kinesiology)
2017: Mark Vagle (Department of Curriculum and Instruction)
2016: Wendy Haight (School of Social Work)
2015: Frances Vavrus (Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy and Development)
2014: Gillian Roehrig (Department of Curriculum and Instruction)
2013: Bic Ngo (Department of Curriculum and Instruction)
2011: Donald Dengel (School of Kinesiology)
2010: Michael Goh (Department of Educational Psychology)
Matthew Stark Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Award – Faculty
*Discontinued in 2014*
2013: Bhaskar Upadhyay (Department of Curriculum and Instruction)
2012: J.B. Mayo (Department of Curriculum and Instruction)
2011: Elizabeth Wieling (Department of Family Social Sciences)
2010: Martha Bigelow (Department of Curriculum and Instruction)
2009: Ross Velure Roholt (School of Social Work)
Matthew Stark Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Award – Student
*Discontinued in 2014*
2013: No award given
2012: Lars Hansen (Department of Curriculum and Instruction)
2011: Charles Helm (Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy and Development)
2010: Chaltu Hassan (Post Secondary Teaching and Learning)
2009: Bryan Cichy (Department of Educational Psychology)
Multicultural Recognition Award
2018: Daheia Barr-Anderson – Faculty (School of Kinesiology) Staff – not awarded, Student – not awarded
2017: Jamie Schumann (Student Services) – Staff, Faculty – not awarded, Fadumo Mohamed (Department of Curriculum and Instruction) – Student
2016: Amanda Sullivan (Department of Educational Psychology) – Faculty, Staff – not awarded, Garrett Hoffman – student
2015: Vichet Chhuon (Department of Curriculum and Instruction) – Faculty, Elizabeth Snyder – Staff (School of Social Work), Jose Palma – Student (Department of Educational Psychology)
2014: Mary Hermes – Faculty (Department of Curriculum and Instruction), Owen Marciano – Staff (Student Services), Shadé Osifuye – Student (Student Services)
2013: Irene Duranczyk – Faculty (Post Secondary Teaching and Learning), Susan Ranney – Staff (Department of Curriculum and Instruction), Anthony Shields – Student (Student Services)
2012: Katie Johnston Goodstar – Faculty (School of Social Work), Kirsten Collins – Staff (Student Services), Parmananda Khatiwoda – Student (School of Social Work)
2011: Martha Bigelow – Faculty (Department of Curriculum and Instruction), Jeannie Stumne – Staff (Student Services), Bai Vue – Student (Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy and Development)
2010: No award given
2009: Hee Yun Lee – Faculty (School of Social Work), Susan Andre – Staff (Dean’s Office), Nathaniel Gibbs – Student
2008: Sonia Davila – Williams (School of Social Work) and Catherine Solheim (Department of Family Social Science)
2007: Bryan Cichy (Graduate Student, Department of Educational Psychology), Priscilla Gibson (Faculty, School of Social Work), and Antoany Le (Undergraduate Student, Department of Family Social Science)
New Career Excellence Award
2024: Saida Abdi (School of Social Work)
2023: Mimi Choy-Brown (School of Social Work)
2022: Stefanie Marshall (Department of Curriculum and Instruction)
2021: Betty Yang (Student Services)
2020: Jeffrey Waid (School of Social Work)
2019: Faith Miller (Department of Educational Psychology)
2018: Timothy Piehler (Department of Family Social Science)
2017: Yuhei Inoue (School of Kinesiology)
2016: Marguerite Ohrtman (Department of Educational Psychology)
2015: Heidi Presslein (School of Social Work)
2014: Anthony Albecker (Student Services)
2013: Minerva Muñoz (Student Services)
2012: Traci LaLiberte (School of Social Work)
2011: Melissa Koenig (Institute of Child Development)
2010: No award given
2009: Joan DeJaeghere (Educational Policy and Administration)
2008: Abigail Gewirtz (Department of Family Social Science and Institute of Child Development)
2007: No award given
Outstanding Achievement Award – P&A
2024: Amber Fink (CEHD Administration), Nicole LaVoi (School of Kinesiology)
2023: Alex Evenson (Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development)
2022: Jessie Kember (Department of Educational Psychology), Christen Christopherson (Student Services)
2021: Traci LaLiberte (School of Social Work), Amy Simpson (Institute of Child Development)
2020: Angela Pazurek (Department of Curriculum and Instruction), Julie Rohovit (School of Social Work)
2019: Julie Cutting (School of Social Work), Kathy Seifert (Department of Educational Psychology)
2018: Barbara Billington (Department of Curriculum and Instruction)
2017: Nathan Kopka (Dean’s office)
2016: Megan Morrissey (School of Social Work)
2015: Brandi Hoffman (School of Kinesiology)
2014: Mary Ellen Shaw (Student Services)
2013: Jennifer Engler (Student Services and Dean’s Administration)
2012: Sharyn Schelske (Student Services)
2011: Kate Walthour (School of Social Work)
2010: No award given
2009: Deanne Magnusson (Educational Policy and Administration)
2008: Annette Digre (Postsecondary Teaching and Learning)
2007: Deborah Snouffer (Staff, School of Social Work)
Outstanding Student Leadership Award
2024: Tessa Houghton (School of Social Work)
2023: Miguel Quiñones (Department of Family Social Science), Kaylina Smith (Department of Family Social Science)
2022: Shelby Weisen (Department of Educational Psychology)
2021: Tai Do (Department of Educational Psychology), Matthew Hempe (School of Kinesiology)
2020: Kimberlie Moock, Sadie Sweeney
2019: Tara Kulkarni – Graduate (Department of Educational Psychology), Samantha Cronin – Undergraduate (Department of Curriculum and Instruction)
2018: Lana Peterson – Graduate (Department of Curriculum and Instruction)
2017: Kayla Cory – Undergraduate (Student Services), Nicolaas VanMeerten – Graduate (Department of Educational Psychology)
2016: Anna Reget – Undergraduate, Jenna Cushing-Leubner – Graduate (Department of Educational Psychology)
2015: Joshua Lupinek (School of Kinesiology)
2014: Brenda Senger – Undergraduate (School of Kinesiology), Dung Mao – Graduate (Department of Family Social Science)
2013: Kynesha Patterson – Undergraduate (School of Social Work), Alfonso Sintjago-Graduate (Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy and Development)
2012: Reid Anderson – Undergraduate and Casey Stafford – Graduate
2011: Emily Smith – Undergraduate and Caroline Hilk – Graduate
2010: No award given
2009: Annie Johnson – Undergraduate and Kristi Kremers – Graduate
2008: Ann Beuch (School of Social Work), Mohammed Elmeski (Educational Policy and Administration), Sara Lassig (Department of Family Social Science), SunMin Lee (Licensure-EC/ECSE)
2007: Yongling Zhang (Educational Policy and Administration)
Women’s Philanthropic Leadership Circle Rising Star Award
2024: Sun Xiaoran (Department of Family Social Science)
2023: No award given
2022: Dunja Antunovic (School of Kinesiology)