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Academic Program proposals

Instructions for proposing a new academic program and for changing an existing program are below. If you have questions about this material, contact


New programs and Major program updates need to be submitted no later than the December Curriculum Council meeting for Fall semester and February for Spring semester.

Minor updates should be submitted to the Curriculum Council no later than February 1st. for Fall semester and September 15th for Spring semester.

*Program updates with a fall effective term are preferred. Significant changes effective spring term should be avoided.

In order to allow time for CC members to fully consider each proposal, program proposals must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the meeting at which they will be reviewed.


(See also Revised programs below.)

First: The department chair must have a conversation with the dean to discuss priorities, finances, and support of the proposed program. The outcome of this conversation should be included in the Department Chair Review Form.

Second: The Review and Consultation forms should be sent to to be circulated to CEHD department chairs. All new programs and subplans must be sent for external consultation. Please submit the External Consultation form to start this process.

As of November 8, 2016, Graduate Programs need to include a Curriculum plan with the Review and Consultation forms.

Others outside CEHD should be consulted without the Review & Consultation forms by the proposer.

Interdisciplinary or cross-college programs must include a Memorandum of Understanding or Agreement addressing revenue and workload issues and including explicit language for dissolution of the program.

Third: The complete proposal should be submitted to the Curriculum Council (CC) via this Google form for review and approval. The CC may request additional information or changes.

Complete proposals for new programs must include the following:

All proposals must be entered in Coursedog before review by the CC.

Submit entire program proposal packet to via this Google form for review.

If you have any questions, contact

Fourth: Once the CC has given final approval to the program, the proposal will be submitted to either the Provost’s Office or the Graduate Education Council (GEC), whichever is appropriate.


Changes to existing programs require approval by the Curriculum Council (CC) and the Provost’s Office. Doctoral program changes will require approval by the Graduate Education Council (GEC), Masters program changes will not be reviewed by the GEC.

Complete proposals for revising or discontinuing a program include the following:

  • Memo from department chair which includes:
    1) a brief summary of the impact the revision(s) will have on the department’s annual budgeting and planning in the context of the mission of the department and college
    2) faculty vote and the faculty’s response specific to need for the change(s).
  • Supporting documentation for the type of change requested (optional)
  • Copy of Coursedog entry indicating brief summary which students the revision will affect:
    Example: Will the revision be for all students or only for the student Admitted from the submission term forward?

All proposals must be entered in Coursedog before review by the CC.

Submit the entire program proposal packet via this Google form for review.

Contact Patrick Doble, with curriculum proposal help and questions.