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New Course Proposal Process

The Curriculum Council (CC) is responsible for reviewing and approving new course proposals. This page describes the process that the CC follows.


In order to allow time for CC members to fully consider each proposal, course proposals must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the meeting at which they will be reviewed.


In the initial stages of planning a new course, both undergraduate and graduate, colleagues both within and outside of the department should be consulted. Effective consultations support good interdepartmental and intercollegiate relations, help generate new audiences (where appropriate) for courses, and may identify future instructional and research partnerships across departments and colleges.

Teacher Licensure courses must also have consultation with the Office of Teacher Education. Email: Phone: 612-625-5060.

Internal Consultation

Before preparing a proposal, use the following mechanism for early consultation. Doing so will provide you with an efficient way to get early feedback that can help you discover potential partners, save time, and avoid problems later in the process.

Prepare a post for the Curriculum Council web site for comments by filling out the Internal Consultation form.

The following information is required:

  • Course designator and number
  • Number of credits
  • Paragraph description of the course topic
  • Potential audience
  • Contact information for questions and comments

The following people will be notified that a preliminary course has been posted and is open 7 days for comments, questions, and/or potential ideas for collaboration via email to the proposer:

  • CEHD department chairs
  • Directors of graduate studies
  • Directors of undergraduate studies

External Consultation

External consultation is required for all new undergraduate course and program proposals. When consulting outside the college consider the following:

  • Is the course redundant with existing courses?
  • Is it anticipated that students in other units might enroll in this course?
  • Are there potential instructional or research partnerships?

External consultations must be entered in Coursedog under the Course Proposal Details section.

To send a requests for external consultation please fill out the External Consultation form. This request must include a complete syllabus.


All departmental procedures should be followed.

Course proposers should consult with their department scheduler when preparing the proposal. List of curriculum contacts.

The CC course proposal packet consists of four documents in the following order:

Please submit entire proposal packet via this Google form for review.

  1. Proposer’s memo – Course designator, number and name at the top of the page.
    The course proposal includes a memo written by the proposer that articulates the importance of the proposed course and how it is embedded in the program and department and/or related to an interdisciplinary effort. (1-page limit)This memo includes a brief statement about how the work required outside of class is appropriate for the course level and for university expectations.The course proposal includes a brief summary of consultation that states the units and faculty that have been consulted. The intent of this consultative process is to foster discussion and collaboration if appropriate. These conversations should address potential instructional or research partnerships.
  1. Department chair memo
    On behalf of the faculty, the department chairperson should write a memo advocating for the course and indicating:
    – support for the proposal,
    – assurance that the department approved the course (include faculty vote and date),
    – any potential instructional or research partnerships that might exist or be created related to this course or a course of this type, and
    – financial considerations.
  1. Syllabus to be included in final packet
    Undergraduate syllabus checklist
    Online Undergraduate syllabus checklist
    Graduate syllabus checklist
    Online Graduate syllabus checklist

    Teacher Education syllabus checklist
    Online Instructional Contact Time Grid

The proposed course syllabus should include all sections required by the University. Syllabus checklist.

A minimum of one Student Learning Outcome should be included on syllabi for undergraduate courses.

  1. Coursedog

Course proposers should consult with their department scheduler when preparing the proposal. List of curriculum contacts.

Courses must be entered into Coursedog prior to being submitted to the CC. A copy of the course printed from the Coursedog site and including the course syllabus, serves as the course proposal form for the CC.

Complete information must be entered into the Course Proposal Summary section in Coursedog. The Proposal Changes section can be typed over each time a new proposal is entered for a course but the History Information should not be deleted just added to.

Sample text for Coursedog:
“Removed the equivalencies of EngL 3601 & Ling 3001. These equivalencies are not valid per L. Schiff. Also, updating catalog description and Student Learning Outcomes. 6/19/2015”

Please submit entire proposal packet via this Google form for review.

Email with questions.  Paper copies are no longer needed.

Consult these web sites for updated information.

Courses that are a part of a program in preparation for a Minnesota license in teaching or school administration need to indicate the standards that are being met in the course.