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Return to Campus Information

As the university prepares for a return to campus on August 2 after a long absence, there are a few important things that we in CEHD AIT would like you to be aware of as you plan your return.

  • CEHD Technical Coordinators will continue working remotely until August 2. We will continue to do everything we can before and after that date to help you prepare.
  • There is a NEW preferred way to request technology support in CEHD! Please go to (must be signed in) to create a ticket in our service management system known as TDX. Please visit the Technology section in the CEHD SKY intranet for more information on how to submit, edit, and monitor the status of your support requests.

Things that may need special attention upon Return to Campus:

  • Eduroam WiFi – new security certificates have been installed that may require you to re-authenticate before you can automatically connect to the wireless network
  • Toner cartridges in printers and copiers may have dried out
  • Technology in centrally-managed classrooms may have changed
  • A new network print server that could cause initial printing issues
  • Your computer – and especially the ones that stayed on campus – may have a backlog of security and software updates to perform
  • You may require assistance re-assembling your work station

We expect demand for technical support to be much higher than usual in the weeks ahead. We will do the best we can to keep up and we appreciate your patience as we work with your colleagues across the college. There are some things you can do to help ensure a smooth transition:

  • Open up a support ticket at (must be signed in) so that we can schedule a time to get you set up and work through any issues
  • If you have lab or research computers on campus that have not been turned on in a long time, consider powering them up so that they can begin downloading and installing updates
  • If you will be teaching on campus, consider visiting the classroom to familiarize yourself with the equipment ahead of time
  • If you have printing to do, give yourself time to ensure that the printer is in working order and that you can print to it successfully
  • Please be patient if you catch us in the hallway as we may be on our way to help someone with a scheduled task

Thank you for your cooperation! We’re looking forward to seeing all of you, and to meeting those who may be new whom we have not met in person!

— CEHD AIT Technology Support Staff